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Drift Trike 101 – Getting It Up

It’s obvious that trike drifters love to go down, but who’s there to help them get it back up? That’s where we come in. Get your electric powered Verrado Drift Trike and give gravity a well-deserved slap in the face.

The Verrado features at 1,000-Watt electric hub motor that not only makes dragging your trike back uphill a thing of the past, but allows you to enjoy drifting on flat surfaces. Hillsides are NOT required for the electric Verrado.

With the powered Verrado drift trike, you can cruise at up to 20 miles per hour on flat surfaces without breaking a sweat. Stop wasting your time finding hills, taking a quick ride, and lugging your drift trike back up only to repeat the process. The Verrado takes the hassle and frustration that comes with trike drifting and transforms the sport into a highly-accessible activity that can be enjoyed all over the country.