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Driver Going 100 MPH Calls 911 After Gas Pedal Gets Stuck

Imagine just simply rolling down the highway, driving to whatever your destination that day just so happens to be, when all of a sudden, you find that your car is accelerating out of control to the point where you can’t figure out how to stop it. The throttle has pinned itself wide open and braking simply isn’t an option. Therefore, you dial up 911 with an attempt try to make the best of the situation that had to be absolutely terrifying. There’s no way that going down the highway at that rate of speed with no brakes is any sort of a desirable situation, even for an adrenaline junkie!

In this one, that’s exactly what this driver is up against as he finds himself in precisely that jam. Therefore, he calls up the police and tries to get as much help as he possibly can. While on the phone with the police dispatcher, the woman on the other end of the phone suggested that the driver pull the emergency brake but smartly, the man rejects that idea and keeps on searching for a solution. You would think that yanking up the emergency brake at those speeds would be cause a deadly situation where the car would probably slide out of control. That’s certainly not a place that you want to be while traveling at that rate of speed.

If you follow along with the video below, you’ll be able to join in on the dispatcher call and see how the situation would end up unfolding as spike strips were thrown in the equation eventually as a police officer was left to pit maneuver the vehicle in question to a stop. The driver would head to the hospital with chest pain but thankfully, the whole ordeal would spare the driver his life because it’s definitely a situation that could have quickly unfolded the other way when you consider all the other factors that were at play here.