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Elon Musk’s Latest Tweets Point to Customizable Fart Noise Tesla Horn Update

Over the years, Elon Musk has really proven to be a bit eccentric. Through his Twitter and appearances on popular podcasts, the madman behind the Tesla brand has taken shareholders through a roller coaster of emotions. It seems almost as if people hang on the guy’s every last word. It’s kind of crazy to think that anything that he says can send Tesla stock through the roof or dropping to an area where shareholders would probably rather not speak of.

It seems as if this crazy way of thinking might just be what has built Musk’s foundation. Thinking outside of the box and bouncing all sorts of wacky ideas around has built the man more than most could’ve ever imagined. If he were to stop doing things because other people didn’t like it, it would take a substantial chunk away from all of the amazing ideas that he’s created.

These ideas really stretch wide in scope. Some of them are more serious features added to Tesla vehicles. For example, “Dog Mode” might’ve been one of his more off-the-wall ideas. However, the idea of leaving a pet behind in a vehicle safely is something that many people couldn’t find useful. On the other hand, he comes out with some more jovial ideas as well. This includes being able to play games on a Tesla’s center console.

With the latest round of ideas, Musk promises a concept that would sound like a joke if it came from anyone else. However, the mad scientist recently went to Twitter to promise a couple of updates for Tesla models.

Within this tweet, he confirmed that Tesla owners will be able to customize their horn and movement sounds. In the original tweet, he promised the sound of coconuts to serve in the situation. He would later tweet that the sounds of flatulence and goats would eventually be an option.

While these ideas most definitely are off of the beaten path, they certainly throw a fun twist in the mix. While some people probably end up looking at Elon as some sort of madman, it’s hard to argue with his success. Who knows if the sound of a fart plays a role in the bigger picture or not?