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EPIC Motorcycle vs. Car Drift Battle FOUR!

EPIC Motorcycle vs. Car Drift Battle FOUR!

We’ve seen the likes of epic car vs bike drift battles before, each time the competition gets more intense and this time we check out the likes of even more wild motorcycle drifting action in Mexico, complimented by one wild Ford Mustang.

“After a narrow escape from the clutches of Officer Buck 3 years ago, ICONs Ernie Vigil and Nick Brocha have fallen on hard times and are stunting on the Mexican circuit to make ends meet.

Officer Dan Brockett meets up with the boys to help pull them out of their funk and leads them to a track where Russian drifting legend, Sugar Daddy, and is 1500 HP Mustang awaits.”

Check out all of the insane drift action below along with a quite ingenious storyline that will have you entertained through and through! While we enjoyed this one, we can’t wait for the next installment to come around!

It’s almost like a real like Tokyo drift, when the drifters below take over an intersection!

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