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Epic New Dodge Commercial – Rally Cry | Brotherhood of Muscle | Dodge

When it comes to marketing efforts, the likes of the Dodge Demon has shown us that Dodge really has its stuff together on that end, making everyone drop what they’re doing and pay attention to see what the company’s latest release is all about but how can they translate that attention from the limited run to the cars that actually make them cash?

This time, we check out another Dodge commercial that attempts to do just that and might just catch your eye as they’ve gone above and beyond in another attempt to draw attention to their cars and we would venture to say that they’ve done a good job – heck, we’re wrapped up in their efforts!

In this one, they bring Vin Diesel along for the effort and combine his heroic voice with some dramatic music along with a few special effects touches. When you toss in the aggressive looking cars from the company’s lineup, you have yourself quite an edgy and raw commercial.

Check out the video below that shows off Dodge’s latest bold attempt to get consumers interested in their products. What do you think of this form of advertising that has definitely had people around the watercooler talking? Bringing on a name like Vin Diesel couldn’t have been cheap but maybe it’ll pay off in the long run!