Ever See a Drifting Super Bike on a Big Tire? Here You Go!

If you thought that drifting on four wheels was insane, just imagine what would happen if you took two wheels out of the equation and had to throw a whole new element into the mix as balance would be brought into question with a sideways sliding motorcycle.
This time, we check out exactly how that all goes down as this pair of riders takes their extended bikes out with some big and meaty tires and attempts to throw them sideways into a couple of death-defying drifts! To say that these guys are just a little bit off of their rocker would be an understatement here.
Check out the video below as the bikes make quite the smoke show while they get tossed left and right with the riders pushing their machines to the limit to get just a little bit more adrenaline flowing. What do you think of the way that these guys were able to shred some rear tires?