Fed-Ex Unveils New “Same Day Bot” Delivery Service. Will Our Parts Get Delivered On Time?

One thing that we sometimes fail to realize is that most companies out there that are offering service are actually selling us efficiency. Sure, this efficiency might be based around a certain line of work. However, at the end of the day, saving time is really what many companies are all about.
To illustrate this point, we take a look at something like Uber. If we were to ask consumers of the product what they thought it was about, they would probably answer with something about a taxi cab service. However, it’s more about saving the time that it would take the call for a cab. In addition, it removes the wait associated with the experience. Therefore, by streamlining the experience, they’re effectively selling customers their own time back.
The same concept can be used when talking about delivery services. Traditionally, we had to wait a very long time, at least when compared to today, to get our packages. If we wanted something, even when ordering it off of the internet, we would have to wait maybe a week or two before the box came in. Today, however, it seems like a massive race to get to the most instantaneous form of gratification possible. In order for companies to stay relevant, they have to try some pretty off-the-wall concepts in order to stay in the race.
With Amazon barking up the tree of near-instant delivery, companies like FedEx are forced to innovate. One of FedEx’s most recent answers to the call is the “Same Day Bot.” Via their website, “Using artificial intelligence and an array of sensors, the FedEx SameDay Bot™ is able to safely navigate to its destination and make deliveries directly to you.” It also is designed to handle all sorts of cargo, even if it’s temperature sensitive or incredibly fragile.
FedEx currently is expecting to start testing and further developing their prototype this year.