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Fletcher Cox / Shawn Ayers Break The NMCA/NMRA Street Outlaw Record!

With the way that teams are trying to always make their way to the top of their respective pack, it’s really amazing to see what certain people and teams are able to squeeze out of their combinations. Let’s just say that no matter what area of racing you’re looking at, today’s cars are taking what they have available and stretching these components a lot further and therefore, we get to see some incredibly exciting racing as different combinations are figured out which allows for records to fall, which in turn, creates a vicious cycle where everybody is on their A-Game and doing all they can to make this sport even more exciting for the fans who absolutely are loving every second of it.

This time, the topic of discussion that is making a little bit of talk happen around the water cooler and making the hair on the back of fans’ necks stand up is none other than the small block Ford powered Ford Mustang packing a single F1X-12 ProCharger and a 275 drag radial out bad. The men behind it are a couple of people that you have probably heard of as NFL All-Star, Fletcher Cox and Shawn Ayers went out with a strong setup in their pocket and they managed to go home in the record books as the car that is always running it’s rear end off manages to knock down a record for itself.

If you tune in down in the video below, the crew over at The Racing Videos were on the spot to make sure they captured all of the action as this shining Ford makes its way down the track to a couple of low 4-second passes, a 4.23 backed up by a 4.24 to be more exact, which would manage to take home the NMCA/NMRA Street Outlaw elapsed time record. As always, the car is truly a joy to watch in action, so we would seriously recommend pounding down that play button.