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Flooded Road? No Problem! Just Drive A Chevy!

Flooded Road? No Problem! Just Drive A Chevy!

At one point or another, we all have some questionable ideas. Now, I’m sure that everybody’s opinion on how to pull a trailer with a stock looking truck it’s probably different. Some folks will push it a little further than others. However, I think that most would agree that approaching and crossing a section of moving water that comes up over the rocker panels is something most would rather avoid. It really seems like a high-risk low-reward type of situation. On one hand, sure, the driver is getting to their destination. On the other, they stand to lose a lot.

This time, though, we check in with the driver of the Chevrolet Silverado pulling a camper. It seems like this driver has a little bit more courage than most. As he approaches a flooded road, It seems like he pulls up his high-waters and heads straight on through the flood. The whole way across, we have to admit that we were certainly holding our breath. At any moment, we were expecting the water to pick up either the truck or the trailer and take it for a swim. We aren’t sure if this is bravery, stupidity, or some sort of mix of both. This driver was in it to win it, though.

By following along with the video below, we check in with today’s version of incredible luck in crazy situations. This is something that we would definitely recommend watching from this side of the screen. Taking a jump into a situation like this is a good way to end up with an insurance claim. Perhaps it’ll even yield two claims!

At the end of the day, we were happy to breathe a sigh of relief when the truck managed to make it to dry ground. We have to admit that we didn’t have much faith in this situation but it all panned out alright.
