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Football Coach Teaches the Team Unlikely Automotive Lesson

There are certain things that everyone should be able to have a grasp on. Some situations put us in the world in a vulnerable position. Knowing how to fend for ourselves in these spots could be a means of saving money. It could even fend our personal safety. When broken down on the side of the road with a flat tire, getting out of dodge ASAP could mean less time in a volatile situation. In order to best operate on this axis, there are a couple of simple skills that can put all of us in the best situation possible.

One of those skills would be that of being able to change a wheel. It might not be something that commonly comes up for most. When it does, though, being able to swap in the spare quickly could pay off big time. It might sound simple and that’s because it certainly is. However, there are a lot of folks out there who aren’t even sure how to do this simple repair.

While our first thought might be to question them, there could be a good reason. After all, things like these are subjects that school doesn’t even want to touch on. It seems like the basics to life can sometimes be forgotten about in the scheme of a lesson plan.

Luckily, for some, they have a teacher in life who is willing to lay down these simple yet crucial life lessons. In this one, we check out a situation where a football coach is taking a moment to fill in his young team on how it’s done. They might not realize it in this moment, but this is a lesson that will last them a lifetime. They might even be able to take this skillset and use it to help someone else out!
