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Frank Soldridge’s Twin Turbo BBC Mustang Goes 195 on the Rear Tires!

It’s no secret that Radial vs the World showcases some of the most insane hotrods on the planet, and it’s also no secret that some of those cars have developed a propensity for taking flight, especially at South Georgia Motorsports Park. Well, guess where longtime small-tire badass Frank Soldridge just happened to be when his car tried to do it’s own airplane impression?

That’s right, SGMP! At Lights Out 8, Duck X Production’s spring radial extravaganza, Soldridge pulled to the line in qualifying alongside Texan Grant McCrary, both men hoping to lay down a solid run to get them into the show for race day. Radial vs the World has the distinction of being one of very few classes that allows both stock suspension-style cars and full tube chassis cars to compete against one another and actually keep a level playing field. Thanks to the rules put forth by the man who almost single handedly brought radial racing to the forefront, Donald “Duck” Long, who has refined the rules over the years to keep each combination competitive, leading to some of the biggest car counts, crowds and most exciting racing anywhere you’ll find on the planet.

Combining all of this, we watch Soldridge as his twin turbo big block powered Mustang powers downtrack after McCrary lost traction at the hit. As soon as the big Chevy under Frank’s hood begins to build boost and bring in the horsepower, the nose begins to lift. As he hauls ass down track, the nose inches higher and higher, but feeling the car was on a good run, Frank waited until the last possible second to lift, keeping the rear tires on the ground and allowing him to trip the beams with a repeatable 4.08 elapsed time at 195 MPH, certainly among the highest to ever be recorded by a car with the front end several feet in the air.

Frank pedals the car and deftly brings the nose back to each with only a small shower of sparks to indicate that the oil pan or perhaps the transmission pan scrubbed the track. Tell me that’s not a wild ride, race fans!