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Girl Rider Performs Highway Motorcycle Stunts Like a Boss!

Sometimes, when you dive into motorsports like racing or motorcycle riding, the field gets to be a little bit heavily occupied by testosterone and when you get a lady sprinkled in there every once in a while, it really brings a fresh perspective to the bunch, giving you a break in what can otherwise be a world that’s pretty much populated mostly with men. This time, we check out the subculture of motorcycle stunt riding out on the highway. We have to admit that this girl has got it going on as she pulls off stunt after stunt, really showing the boys how it’s done on two wheels and sometimes, on one!

Personally, short sleeves and tiny little shorts wouldn’t be how I would prefer to ride a motorcycle and I just can’t help but picture that going badly for her at some point in time but other than that, this girl absolutely rules! It’s fun to watch as she whips that bike around, twisting and contorting the machine almost at will and making the mechanical two-wheeled beast do whatever she wants it to as she keeps it rolling down the highway, pulling off stunts amongst her fellow riders who are also trying their hardest to stand out from the crowd with their abilities.

Follow along with the video below that shows this female stunt riding display as this girl pulls off some pretty insane maneuvers that will have you wondering how she managed to keep that bike upright. The point where she was dragging the rear of the bike on the ground really made our hearts skip a beat! There’s really no telling what’s going to happen next out there as literally, anything can unfold at any moment, and perhaps that’s part of what makes this kind of a display so interesting to watch.