Guy Thinks he is Stronger Than a Hydraulic Lathe… Ends Badly

When it comes to hanging out in the shop, it’s not a bad idea to exercise caution and ditch the “impress your friends” mentality that we can tend to get when the camaraderie gets to flowing.
However, it doesn’t look like common sense is all too common in this situation as this genius decides to see if he has what it takes to go toe to toe with a hydraulic lathe.
He hangs on to the machine as his buddies urge him on and before he knows it, the poor sap is in a world of hurt that could’ve been avoided by just a little bit of foresight.
Check out the video below that shows the result of the stupidity as the guy is whipped over the top of the machine and his leg gets caught up and he goes for a ride.
If you thought this guy was stupid, This lady stealing gas has him beat!