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Guy Tries to beach Jet Ski and Comes In Way Too Hot

When it comes to injuries and fatalities on the water, jet skis happen to be near the forefront of the incidents that occur when riders don’t realize that it’s their responsibility to give up the right-of-way and get out of everyone’s path or they just get in way too deep, doing maneuvers that they shouldn’t have ever gotten tied up in first place.

It looks like, in this situation, the rider on board this jet ski had confidence that heavily outweighed his ability and the abilities of the ski. It might not sound like the biggest deal in the world, but boy oh boy, did this guy end up paying the price for his unfamiliarity with the situation.

When this dude was coming in hot, it looks like he thought that the ski would stop a lot faster than it actually could and as a result, it kept on gliding through the water, slamming into what looks like a concrete pier and throwing the rider over the handlebars.

Now, luckily, it doesn’t look like the guy made contact with the concrete block directly, but he’s definitely going to feel this one in the morning. Getting thrown off of the jet ski that’s almost at full tilt cannot be a fun experience no matter what’s breaking your fall.