Handy Invention Lets Motorists Reach The Roof Of Their Car With Ease

As you make your way through your daily routine, you might find that there are certain things that slow you up a little bit that can probably be a little bit easier. It might be something that nobody really thinks of all that often but with a simple fix there could potentially be a situation that is changed that people would find a hard time going back to the way that they originally were doing things after such a change was implemented. Maybe one example of something like this is being able to easily get up to and access the roof of your vehicle.
Perhaps you’re driving around in a truck that is just a little bit too hard for you to reach the top of and there are a variety of situations where you might want to be able to reach the top of your truck. Maybe you want to strap something to the roof rack or clean some snow off of the roof for safe travel. However, you can’t quite reach it from the ground and standing on your seats seems like you’re going to probably end up dirtying them, doing some damage, or losing your balance. So, in a situation like this, what are you do?
If you follow along with video below, you’ll be able to check out a handy little invention that attaches to your door latch inside of your door frame and allows you to stand on it, giving you just the right stepping stool that you need in order to reach the roof easily, allowing you to move freely and have your balance while you get the job done. It might not be the most earth-shattering tool that we’ve ever seen but, its simplicity could come in handy big-time the next time that you find yourself in a spot where you need to reach a little bit higher.