Harrison Ford Rushes To Aid of Driver in Car Crash

There are positive and negative aspects to today’s “ALL news travels fast” society we live in. If we stop and think back just a few months, legendary Hollywood actor Harrison Ford was looking down the barrel of a PR nightmare after landing his small private plane on the taxiway at John Wayne Airport in Santa Ana, CA. If you believed the hype, Ford’s illustrious career was all but doomed to end and he would be made a fool of publicly.
And then, just days later, nobody even cared anymore. That’s the upside to things these days going “viral” (that word is overused a bit, but I think it applies here) is that there is always something else happening to distract us from whatever it was that happened yesterday. As I personally expected, the incident is now little more than a byline on Ford’s wikipedia, and the actor has gone back to life as he knew it.
Until yesterday. At least this time, the news is actually positive. Ford apparently witnessed a fellow motorist drive off the road while he was traveling through Santa Paula, California. The actor immediately pulled over and ran to help the driver get out of the car and kept things under control while waiting for the paramedics. The woman was transported to the hospital with minor injuries, and no other motorists were involved in the crash.
As pointed out, this isn’t the first time Harrison has had some positive news surrounding him. He’s used his personal helicopter and experience as a pilot to rescue people twice, and even stepped into the ever-sketchy New York City traffic to help direct a motorist who seemed to be confused by some construction barrels. Unfortunately, as quickly as the bad news faded from the public radar, so will this positive news, but at least the whole situation ended well for all involved.