HIghway Patrolman Saves Lives by Pulling Over a Drunk Man

Drunk drivers cause countless accidents here in the States, and it seems that problem isn’t limited to us here in the US. Aussie YouTuber Mark Reedman had his dash cam recording one afternoon in 2013 when he encountered this Holden Ute, Australia’s modern-day El Camino, obviously driven by an intoxicated driver.
As Reedman tried to pass the Ute on the right – our brethren from down under drive on the wrong side of the road, remember – the driver of the Holden swerved over as if to block Mark’s attempt to pass, then drifted a few yards too far back to the left, dropping all 4 wheels off onto the grass. Luckily, if you look to the right as the car is off-roading, you see a patrol officer parked nearby. He immediately springs into action, racing up on the impaired driver just moments later and pulling him to the side of the road, potentially saving innocent motorists from an unplanned encounter with the Ute.
Enjoy the soothing twang of Australian native Keith Urban as the events unfold and the potentially disastrous situation is defused by the police.