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Home Security System Catches Wife Running Into Husbands Truck On Accident

Well it’s Monday morning, ladies and gentlemen. The current time as of this moment is 11:03 am and this video has just rescued my typically-crappy Monday from joining every other Monday as a total waste of calendar space. It’s been said that Monday is a terrible way to spend 1/7th of your life, but if something like this happened every Monday, it wouldn’t be quite so bad, as long as it happens to somebody else!

There’s not a lot to say about this. I have a couple of questions, but honestly the video is short and sweet and gets the point across really well without me having to say too much about it, so I’m just going to jump right into the “What the…” questions I’m dying to ask.

First of all, what the heck was this woman looking at as she was backing out of her driveway? Just think about it… when you’re backing a car, truck, SUV or any other vehicle, you quite literally have to look behind you. Most people use their mirrors, many use backup cameras that come in their cars, and some do that whole “turn around and watch over their shoulder” thing. But we all look behind us, right?

Clearly not this woman. Instead, she’s obviously looking straight ahead, maybe down at the floorboard, or perhaps she has her eyes closed. Whichever the case, she has no idea what’s going on behind her, which leads to my next question. If she hadn’t slammed into her husband’s front bumper, would this woman have just backed straight out into the road without looking. Because while striking a parked pickup is bad, backing out in front of a car driving down the road is going to be way worse, but it looks to me like she was headed that way as fast as her little Prius would carry her.

I can’t explain it, and luckily I don’t have to. I don’t blame the husband at all for being a little irate, as his wife’s inattention now leaves him with two vehicles that need repairs. I just know it dang sure made my Monday morning a lot better.

