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How Did This Guys Wife Buy A Ferrari 360 for $31,000?

When it comes to the automobile market, simply being in the right place at the right time can really go a long way towards getting you the best deals possible. Sometimes, having an astute knowledge of the market can really get you into the best driver seat possible for the lowest possible cost. I mean, knowing your way around the market definitely wouldn’t hurt, however, the luck of the draw can sometimes be the determining factor to give you the best deal possible. A lot of times, this will happen for people who just so happen to be involved in that market. Deals can practically fall right into their laps as people come to them when they’re looking to get rid of a car quickly or sell a car with a problem for pennies on the dollar.

This time, we follow along with the story of a Ferrari 360, a car that really needed a little bit of help and was one that probably not too many people would be willing to buy. When you have a cheaper car that needs a little bit of fixing up, there might not be that much intimidation factor. I mean, the worst-case scenario is that you go to the junkyard and rip a couple of parts off of another car but when it comes to the Ferrari market, that’s not exactly something that you have the option of doing. Parts for these cars, even used ones, come at an incredible premium. In this one, we’re talking about a car that ended up getting sold for $31,000 but, when you consider that this Ferrari wasn’t even in running condition, that’s still a lot of money to sink into something if you’re not really sure what you’re up against.

Now, at $31,000, this purchase would still be a pretty big risk because even after fixing the obvious issues, there still might be a little something hiding out for this Ferrari’s new owner to find after dropping 10 grand into a repair bill but I guess that he found it to be a risk worth taking, or rather his wife did, because even after driving this thing around for a while, they would run into quite a surprise when they sold it. Follow along in the video down below from the guys over at Vin Wiki as the uncover the story behind a Ferrari that is too juicy to pass up.