Take an Inside Look at How Yamaha Engineers Propellers

Just like with many automotive production processes, creating a boat’s propeller is something that comes with a set of challenges. Just like automotive parts, each and every propeller has to be made with precision. In turn, engineers are also looking for quality strength behind their products as well.
Now, the real challenge comes when combining all of these factors and figuring out a way to produce the product in a short time frame. After all, they do have quite the volume that they need to get out. Trying to combine all of these together could be something that gets rather complicated and probably pretty expensive.
This time, we’re able to take a rather unique look inside of Yamaha and their production plant. In this one, we go from start to finish on how exactly a boat propeller comes together. It’s incredibly interesting to watch as the unit starts out as nothing more than a piece of wax. After each and every step, though, the product begins to become something that more resembles the finished good. We aren’t sure that the process is something that came together overnight. However, with all the hard hours invested in designing this method, Yamaha certainly is able to produce propellers overnight.
By following along with the video below, we get quite a bit of insight as to how the ordeal works. At the end the day, the company certainly doesn’t want to leave its customers stranded in the water. In order to make sure that doesn’t happen, this component is engineered and assembled with precision and attention to detail. Everything has to be just right!
After seeing something like this come together in front of our eyes, it’s much easier to appreciate its function. It’s hard to not appreciate all of the effort that goes into bringing something like this together.