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HUGE Bike Crash At The Dunes – BROKEN BACK!

HUGE Bike Crash At The Dunes – BROKEN BACK!

When it comes to riding the dunes, many approach it with a “go big or go home” attitude and when this dirt bike rider approached a jump with that mindset, he would soon after come to regret it!

To end off the season with a bang, literally, this guy mounted a rather high dune and launched himself super high into the air, too high, in fact, as he came down and did some bodily damage.

We watch as he snaps down, injuring the L4 vertebrae in his back which called for his buddies to carry him off of the course, out of harm’s way while vehicles would continue to pass.

Check out the video below that shows the accident in excruciating detail. We’re told that the rider is currently in a body cast and in good spirits. If all else fails, surgery will be necessary to get everything back in order. Speed Society is wishing this guy a big “Get well soon!”

Check out this insane RZR jump that causes some carnage!

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