Incredible Military Technology – Missile-Defense System Intercepts Test Target Over Pacific Ocean

When talking about important places where we need to advance our technology as quickly as possible, the military is definitely one sector where you want to make sure that you’re on your game. If you come up with a shortage in this area, it could really be a cause for concern and I don’t really think I need to spell out why. In this space, it really comes down to who has the best defense systems and if somebody with ill intent manages to get better technology than us, it could really be something that could get ugly. That’s exactly why the military has developed and implemented systems like this one in order to make sure that our safety is maintained.
In this demonstration, we get the chance to check out some incredibly military technology as it’s used as a missile defense system, aimed to intercept targets as they fly over the ocean and come into our space. It’s incredible to watch as a projectile flies over the Pacific Ocean and this incredible machine launches out an anti-air attack measure to shoot it down right out of the sky, stopping it in its tracks and creating quite the visual as the projectiles collide and explode. Watching a demonstration like this really makes you feel little bit safer knowing that there are things like this out there protecting your well-being.
Check out the video below as this missile defense system gets put into action and be sure to tell us what you think of a measure like this. Personally, I can sit here and watch these drills unfold all day. It’s actually quite mesmerizing and happened to give out a piece of mind to know foreign objects will get shot down right out of the sky should they pose a threat to those of us living here on American soil.