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Jake Paul Helps YouTuber Friend Buy Ferrari at 15-Years-Old with YouTube Money

If you keep up with all of the YouTube drama that seems to circulate around the pages of the web these days, you’ve probably heard of Jake Paul. Heck, even if you don’t know much about the internet and the ways of YouTube at all, there’s still a pretty good chance that you have heard of the guy who people really love to hate for one reason or another. Regardless if Jake Paul and his Team 10 crew get under your skin or not, they’re going to keep absorbing that hate and making life better for themselves by flipping it on its head and taking full advantage of it. It really seems like, as a group, they have really risen to the top of the YouTube ranks and don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.

This time, we check out yet another member of Jake Paul’s army of young YouTube daily vloggers who seems to have gained quite the following. As you do on the internet, if you’re good at your job, that following has since turned into money and when that money comes to be spent, well, you can bet your bottom dollar that most of those dollar signs are being “invested,” and we use that term loosely, in all kinds of things from a high dollar houses to cars that you probably wish you were driving. I wouldn’t necessarily consider buying a Ferrari as an investment, however, who didn’t want to own a car like this when they were 15-years-old?

Follow along in the video down below that shows off the life of Jake Paul and his team member, Justin Roberts, as they head to the dealership to buy Justin a car before he’s even able to drive. That’s right, he still has to wait a couple of months before he has the opportunity to go out and get his license but that doesn’t stop him from buying a car that’s unlike what many people are able to afford these days. If you want to follow along with the experience for yourself, you can see it down of the video below. Be sure to chime in and tell us what you think of the concept of someone this young buying such a car.