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Jeremy Clarkson Channels his Inner Ken Block with “Farmkhana”

If you’re a gearhead and have been on the internet over the past couple of years, there’s a really good chance that you might have seen Ken Block behind the wheel of various machines in a series that he has dubbed “Gymkhana.” For those who seem to have been living under a rock and need to be updated, basically, Block will take the liberty of ripping his way around whatever course has been set out for him, upping the challenges until they get harder and harder with bigger payoffs and bigger risk for the most entertaining video possible. He’s really been known to push the envelope to make these insane videos come to life and if you haven’t seen them, we would probably recommend that you scurry to either here or here and check them out.

This time, however, we check out somebody who has been around in automotive journalism scene, well, just about forever. You really can’t say that you’re a car guy if you have no idea who Jeremy Clarkson is. This time, on his most recent show and venture that he’s currently working on, The Grand Tour, Clarkson and company took it upon themselves to pull off a neat little parody of the Gymkhana movement and dubbed it “Farmkhana.” It’s pretty interesting to watch the clips as they are all spliced together to create something that resembles a more rural version of Ken Block’s brainchild, complete with all of the intense focus faces of Jeremy Clarkson which is gold enough as it is!

Check out the video below to see how exactly the guys made Farmkhana come together and what you make of the Gymkhana spinoff. Be sure to tell us what you think of Jeremy Clarkson’s skills as he gets behind the wheel of the Subaru WRX STI and plows through all kinds of obstacles off of the beaten path, showing us in a roundabout way that the Jezza has still got it!