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Jet Powered Van Fires Things Up

Jet Powered Van Fires Things Up

If a bright colored sports car isn’t enough for you in terms of demanding attention, then we think that we might have found something that will guarantee turned heads anywhere that you go.

Instead of investing in the likes of a Dodge Viper or Chevrolet Corvette, this guy flipped the script and constructed a van that is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.

Instead of a normal internal combustion engine, this guy took the route of strapping a giant jet thruster to his bright yellow rig that reminds us a bit of a jazzed up mystery machine.

Check out the van firing up and making a pass down the drag strip in the video below. Unfortunately, there was no time associated with the pass, but boy oh boy, it this van still a sight to see.

Imagine a jet engine in a MINI Cooper! That’s what we’re looking at with this one.

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