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Kanye West Surprises Manager John Monopoly With Lamborghini SUV

From what we have seen recently on TMZ, it looks like Kanye West has been in a giving mood. For somebody to blow up as big as West, there certainly has to be a group effort behind it all. Nothing against Kanye or anybody else. It’s very rare if not impossible to get to his level of fame completely on his own, though. Sure, he might be the one with the creative genius and putting in the majority of the work. However, you’d be a fool to think that there isn’t an entire team helping to push the Kanye West image.

This time, we get to meet the man who has been there through thick and thin. From what we understand, Kanye’s manager, John Monopoly, has been with West for quite some time. After he stuck through the down days with West, he’s going to be there to receive some of the fruits of all of their labor as well. Apparently, Kanye was in a very giving mood as he decided to give his manager a brand-new Lamborghini Urus.

TMZ caught up with Monopoly to get a look at the SUV that’s worth as much as some American homes. With a base price of $200,000, we’re sure that Kanye didn’t skimp out on the options or the modification that the vehicle has undergone. When all is said and done, Monopoly has a massive smile on his face as he meets the cameras and tells the paparazzi a little bit about the Lamborghini.

This is certainly one heck of a gift, even for somebody as rich as we’re sure Monopoly is. We would certainly be grinning from ear to ear as well if somebody were to drop a Lamborghini SUV straight in our laps. Smile on, John, we’re sure that you’ve earned it! Managing Kanye is bound to be a full-time job and then some.
