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Kye Kelley Takes on Boss Bynes at House of Hook!

Street Outlaws New Orleans star Kye Kelley headed to Carolina Dragway, aka the House of Hook, in Aiken, South Carolina to take one a true legend in the grudge game. Kelley loaded up The Shocker and headed east, where he lined up with Tony “Boss” Bynes in his own black nitrous Camaro, known as Choppa.

Bynes, one of the most well known names in all of grudge racing, has built in reputation on outrunning cars he shouldn’t because the other driver made a mistake, but this time around it was Bynes who made the mistake that cost him the race. After jumping in the beams and double-bulbing Kye, meaning he turned on both the pre-staged and staged lights before Kye pre-staged, Bynes turned on the dreaded redlight, automatically handing Kelley the win. Double bulbing is technically not allowed in most track’s rules, however, with this being a grudge race, those rules may have been thrown out for the night. Either way, Kye kept his cool and bumped in, leaving right behind the redlighting Bynes.

The race was a stellar side-by-side race that would have been hard to call had Bynes not turned it red. Of course, they were using the track’s electronic timing system to determine the winner, so there would be no question who got there first. As it stands, Kye got the win as soon as the redlight turned on in Tony’s lane. Maybe these two ill line up again and run on an instant-green start to eliminate the chance of a redlight on either driver and let the driving and the cars determine the winner. While we know Kye’s car is a beast on the street, there’s no denying Choppa was right on his door all the way down the track. What do you think, should these two line up one more time and see wins in a straight up race?