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Man in G-Body on 22s runs 10s, Beats out dad in Trans Am – Father vs son

Drag racing and father and son bonds go hand-in-hand almost as well as peanut butter and jelly. When dads and their sons navigate through the sport, it can help make a stronger relationship and a healthy sense of competition, too.

This time, when a father-son duo got into some back-and-forth banter about whose car is faster, they decided to head out to the track to settle the dispute with a little bit of racing. Talk can only go so far, so action it was!

The son in this combination is driving something a little bit foreign to a drag strip. Now, the G-body might be something that you see racing in a straight line, but when it sits on22-inchh wheels, now, that’s another story entirely.

Generally, the idea is that the smaller the wheel that you have out back, the more room there is for a meaty tire and the more traction you can get, however this guy isn’t phased by his lack of tire sidewall.

Instead, he takes out his dad’s Pontiac Trans Am a couple of times in some all out drag racing that most definitely will translate to some bragging rights the next time that they’re in the shop together.

Check out the action as captured by BigKleib34 in the video below and tell us what you think of the plot twist of this Oldsmobile sitting on some giant chrome rims and kicking ass all at the same time.