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Mega Movers Take on Moving an Entire Historical Hospital on a Trailer 900 Tons

When it comes to moving day, nobody really likes to do it. In fact, there are a lot of people out there who will spend thousands of dollars so that they don’t have to lift a finger on moving day.

Now imagine the stress of moving day if it wasn’t just our possessions that were going along for the ride. Imagine if the entire home was being picked up and moved to a new location. Naturally, this isn’t how most moves are going to go. However, believe it or not, every once in awhile, something like that does unfold.

Whether it’s because the building has history behind it or is simply worth saving for some other reason, companies are paying some pretty big money in order to move entire buildings. This seems like something that really just doesn’t compute in our minds. After all, it would probably be pretty darn difficult to be able to move an entire building to a new location without doing any damage. However, with the mix of a sort of art and a science, some are able to accomplish just that.

We aren’t saying that this kind of thing is easy. In fact, it comes with all sorts of challenges. However, those behind it certainly make it look that way.

This is a true example of “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” This time, we tune in with the Mega Movers as they take on a 900-ton building.

It’s pretty impressive to see how they manage to hoist the building up in the air and move it along with some massive sets of wheels. This definitely isn’t something that was concocted overnight. Those responsible for the process seem like they’ve been doing this for quite some time and know all of the answers when the questions come up. Problem-solving ability is definitely a tool that comes into play here.
