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Millions of Dollars in Boats! – This Poker Run is the Best Kind of Chaotic There Is

Just when you thought that building a car was an expensive hobby, something like a poker run comes along and shows us just how modest our builds really are.

This time, thanks to ZipZapPower, we get to check in with such a poker run that takes us from Haulover Inlet to Key Largo, Florida. The run starts off with 35 boats, each of which likely easily eclipses the six-figure range and some of which probably push pretty close to seven figures if not a little bit more. From there, another 35 boats join the party at Grove Harbor Marina before they all head to Gilbert’s down in Key Largo for the final destination.

When spectating a video like this, we just can’t help but fall in love with everything that we see. It combines sights and sounds that are absolutely second to none, showcasing grumbling engines and gorgeous boats that make the most of the Miami scenery. When we daydream about Miami boating and culture combined with chaotic muscle machines, this is exactly what comes to mind.

Down in the video below, we check in with the FPC Poker Run that absolutely has us drooling over some of these crazy vessels. From the looks of things, this is probably an outing that most folks are going to want to add to their bucket list. There’s just something about $400,000 boats roaring in unison that really can get you up in the morning. We can almost feel the adrenaline pumping through our veins just by watching this one on video! The real deal had to be an absolute blast!

After checking in with this one, be sure to tell us which one of these vessels is your favorite. With all of the gorgeous boats out there, it could probably be pretty difficult to pick just one but we have faith in you!