“Money Shift” on the Big End Sends VW Sideways, Up in Flames
When it comes to stick shift racing, we’re always in for quite an exciting time. However, sometimes, there are pitfalls to such situations that can end up getting a little bit treacherous. While it might be quite rare, the phenomenon is known as the “money shift” has really put some drivers in a perilous situation.
This past weekend at the Import vs Domestic World Cup Finals, we would spectate as several money shifts had happened. Most of the time, this comes about when a driver shifts from first gear to second and then mistakenly back to first. Sometimes, with front-wheel-drive vehicles, this will make the back end of the car pop up into the air as the car stops suddenly. In addition to destroying components, the sudden stop can be rather painful.
This time, however, things would be a little bit more serious. James Castellano would end up being okay after the sequence. However, we couldn’t help but hold our breath and hope for the best as we watched his accident unfold. From what we can gather with the video, instead of shifting from second to first, perhaps this time we see a shift from fourth to third. Naturally, at a higher rate of speed, the consequences will be a bit direr. James would end up losing control of the car and smashing into one wall before veering across the track and hitting the other as well. From the bleachers, it didn’t look too good as the car even went up in flames.
In hindsight, I bet that these guys are very grateful for the safety equipment implemented in such a ride. James is going to be just fine. However, that definitely looks like one terrifying ride to go on. Thankfully, things panned out as well as could be expected in such a spot.