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Monsoon Hits Lake Havasu With Devastating Results, Boats Sunken and Clutter Shoreline

If there’s one thing that we know about mother nature, it’s that there is no stopping her. Sure, we can try to get out of her way. Sometimes, this might mean heading inside or completely getting out of dodge. However, there’s no way to change or reverse the weather just yet. Depending on the severity, things can really end up getting out of hand in a hurry.

This past Labor Day weekend, Lake Havasu would feel just how hard mother nature could hit. A monsoon would make its way to the lake and it caused some pretty insane destruction. The wake of the damage luckily doesn’t appear to have caused any human casualties. However, mechanical casualties are certainly something that was felt.

The Riders Channel decided to pull out a camera and get to filming as the storm raged on. It appears as if there wasn’t very much notice and it was quite a busy weekend. Plenty of boats still cluttered with water as the waves rose up to 6 feet and the raging tides would not stop rocking. Because of this, houseboats and speedboats alike were left to be thrown around by water. Whether it was rocks or a dock in the way, lots of damage was done. Some vessels even sunk. From what we understand, some dock lines managed to snap as well. Who knows what happened to the boats that ended up drifting out into the lake?

As we follow along with the video below, we get to stop in on two minutes of the action as it pelted the shoreline. We can’t help but feel for all of the people who were affected by this major storm. Hopefully, they won’t be down long and will find a quick recovery. There’s not much to do here except try to move forward. We get a feeling that there are going to be some calls into insurance after this one!