Motorcycle Can’t Stop In Time | Crash Course

Motorcycle Can’t Stop In Time | Crash Course
When motorcycles and cars get tied up in traffic together and someone has a GoPro, for some reason, the result isn’t generally too pretty to watch.
Today, we get more of the same as this motorcycle rider seems to get caught in a tough spot as the cross traffic suddenly stops. By the time he reacts to it, it’s too late. The rider slams the front brake in a panic and ends up going over the handlebars.
Watch below as this cringeworthy scenario unfolds in front of our eyes. Luckily, the rider appears to be alright as he picks himself up off of the ground after the crash. After watching this one several times, we can’t decide for ourselves, so we will let you decide who was at fault here!
Ouch! This Mulholland wreck had to hurt!