Mustang 5.0 Loses To Stock E550 and the Excuses FLOW
Mustang 5.0 Loses To Stock E550 and the Excuses FLOW
When you line up in a race, most of the time pride is on the line as you want your hard earned and hand built ride to outdo the guy in the other lane.
As a result, it can be a little bit difficult to take a loss and this will cause some of the best excuses that you’ve ever heard ranging from tire pressure to tune and everything in between.
When the owner of this Ford Mustang doesn’t come out on top while racing a Mercedes-Benz E550, the result is a long list of reasons why the race went down the way that it did.
Check out the video below that gets it all on camera and tell us what you think. Does this guy have a valid excuse or is he simply being a sore loser?
Nothing is scarier than waking up to find you’re behind the wheel of a moving car!