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New Pagani V12 Supercars to Defy Hybrid and Electric Trends

Pagani Stays True to V12 Power, Rejects Electrification for Pure Performance

In a world where the supercar landscape is rapidly evolving with the onset of electrification, Pagani remains steadfast in its commitment to pure V12 power. While other manufacturers are embracing hybrid and electric powertrains, Pagani’s founder, Horacio Pagani, has made it clear that his brand will stick to what it does best—delivering unmatched performance through the roar of a naturally aspirated V12 engine.

The Path Not Taken: Pagani’s Rejection of Hybrid Powertrains

Pagani’s decision to stay true to its roots wasn’t made without careful consideration. In the early stages of developing the successor to the Huayra, the company explored the possibility of introducing a twin-turbo V8 hybrid powertrain. This idea, however, was swiftly discarded. The hybrid system added an extra 880 to 1100 pounds, making the car significantly heavier and diminishing the driving experience Pagani is known for.

But weight wasn’t the only concern. Pagani’s customers, the very enthusiasts who fuel the brand’s success, showed little interest in hybrid technology. According to Horacio Pagani, these customers see hybrid cars as the worst of both worlds—combining the downsides of electric vehicles with the limitations of traditional combustion engines, all while driving up costs. The message from Pagani’s clientele was clear: stick with the V12 or don’t bother at all.

The Electric Dilemma: Why Pagani Steers Clear of EVs

Pagani’s exploration of alternative powertrains didn’t stop with hybrids. Back in 2017, the company also investigated the possibility of developing a fully electric supercar. However, this project met a similar fate as the hybrid. Once again, the lack of interest from customers led Pagani to abandon the idea. For the brand’s dedicated followers, the thought of a Pagani without the visceral experience of a V12 engine was simply unthinkable.

In an interview with The Drive, Horacio Pagani candidly shared his thoughts on the matter: “In reality, no one is interested in a hybrid car. Most of them will say a hybrid has all the problems of an electric car and a combustion car, along with higher costs.” His statement underscores the clear preference of Pagani’s customer base for the unfiltered thrill that only a V12 can provide.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Pagani’s V12

Despite the industry’s shift toward electrification, Pagani’s V12 engine isn’t going anywhere—at least not for the foreseeable future. The current V12 powerplant is emissions-compliant until 2031, giving Pagani plenty of time to continue refining its craft. Horacio Pagani has made it clear that the company is doing everything in its power to keep the V12 alive well beyond that date.

Pagani’s commitment to the V12 engine is a testament to the brand’s dedication to its core principles—delivering unparalleled driving pleasure through engineering excellence. While other supercar manufacturers may chase the latest trends, Pagani remains focused on what it does best: creating timeless, high-performance machines that celebrate the art of driving.

As the automotive world continues to evolve, Pagani’s decision to stay the course with the V12 engine may seem audacious to some. But for Pagani and its passionate customer base, it’s a decision that ensures the brand’s legacy of producing iconic, driver-focused supercars remains intact. The V12 engine is more than just a power source for Pagani—it’s the beating heart of the brand, and it’s here to stay. Photo Credit – Horacio Pagani / Via – Reddit