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New Real-Time Augmented Reality App Allows Users to See Custom Wheels on Their Own Car

Picking out just the right set of wheels for your car can be a challenge. The last thing that somebody wants to do is to order a set of wheels, only to have them looking funky when mounted on said car. This is a surefire way to make sure that you waste your money. Therefore, being able to see the wheel on the car without physically having the wheel is a pretty valuable tool.

However, in order to do that, one either has to have a vast knowledge of Photoshop or know somebody who does. Even if you know somebody who knows Photoshop, trying to patch together several different wheel combinations is going to be a time-consuming pain.

Luckily, it’s 2020 and there are some bright folks out there to fill that void. Thanks to the Aerolarri app, users will be able to check out what wheels are going to look like on their cars using augmented reality. Essentially, the app takes a virtual version of the wheel and displays it on any car through your phone’s camera. It’s essentially a mesh of CGI and real-world imagery.

The app enables users to add wheels to cars in real-time, allowing them to see what the car would look like from any angle. This is something that’s relatively impossible to accomplish using something like Photoshop.

The process is possible through a new technology called the “HoloSpect” catalog. The app’s creator and man behind the tech, Chet Baigh, tells us “The wheels are put into the app using any manufacturers’ own CAD files. They are accurate down to 600x smaller than a human hair.”

In other words, it’ll basically look like the real deal. In most cases, it could even be tough to distinguish the rendering from reality.

In addition, the intriguing app is going to offer up the world’s first magazine delivered completely in augmented reality. Again, by accessing the camera, users will be able to see the subject of different editorial pieces in their real-life environment.

Let’s say that a piece gets released about one of the newest supercars to the market. Not only will somebody tuning into the Aerolarri app get to read about it, but they’ll also be able to get up close and personal with the car as if they were at the auto show themselves.

Check it out on iPhone

Check it out on Android


Technology is constantly making the world a smaller place, allowing us to have access to more than we had ever imagined. With tech like this, we’re connected with cars in a way like never before. Even if we can’t be there in person, the machines of our dreams can be brought to our very own driveways.