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Newly Weds Have The Worst Exit To Date. What Was This chauffeur Thinking!?

There are a couple of things wrong with this video, one of them very obvious while the other is a little more subtle. To set the scene for you real quick, this is the waning moments of what appears to have been a beautiful, fun wedding reception. The bride and groom have left the venue and are headed to climb in the back of the car that will most likely be delivering them home, to a hotel, or to the airport to head off on their honeymoon.

Now, before we dive into the chauffeur’s absolutely awful driving, let’s take a look at one small detail that really jumped out at me as soon as I hit the play button. Notice the driver himself and how he’s cheesing it up for the cameras? He’s grinning like a fool as if he’s part of the wedding party, even going as far as to raise his hands as if the cameras are there to video him and not the beautiful bride and her groom as their wedding draws to an end. This is a small hint about what’s to come, if only somebody had the foresight to see his attention-seeking as a red flag, they might have been able to prevent what happened next.

With the bride and groom loaded up in the convertible the driver drops the car into gear and, for reasons known only to himself, guns the gas, sending the newlyweds tumbling to the ground below as the car sped away. It’s not immediately clear if there were significant injuries to the suddenly-less-happy couple, but the way that landed could certainly have caused head or neck injuries. The crowd, understandably upset by the driver’s actions, angrily yelled at him as they rushed to check on the bride and groom, but the video ends before we see how things played out. Hopefully there were no major injuries for the couple and they were able to go on and enjoy their honeymoon.

nailed it!

Posted by DComedy on Monday, July 24, 2017