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NHRA Top Fuel virgin has the best reaction as the beasts roar down the track

For those who have never been in the presence of a Top Fuel Dragster, it can be easy to be taken off guard by the sound. Sure, even for those who have never seen one they probably expect it to be loud but the actual decibel reading in the atmosphere is way beyond what these Top Fuel virgins expect and then some!

For those of us who have stood among cars like this, we can attest to the fact that these insane machines scream their heads off to the point where you can physically feel the vibrations jumbling your organs around in your chest. It really is a feeling of unlike any other.

In this one, we check out a gentleman who has his Top Fuel cherry popped and the look on his face is one that really gives you a good idea of how loud these things really can’t get.

You can see the reaction in the video below that showcases just one of the many clips out there that show people who simply aren’t ready for what’s coming to them when they experience a Top Fuel drag race for the first time. It’s really something that everyone should do before they die as you can see by the look on this guy’s face!