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Oregon Man Might Now Hold Record With 78% Blood Alcohol Content DUI Arrest (Double the Fatal Amount)


In a jaw-dropping incident out of Oregon, Nathan Danzuka has propelled himself into a dubious league of his own, achieving a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that reads more like a typographical error than a measurable statistic. With a recorded BAC of .778, Danzuka nearly reached ten times the legal limit, setting a record that defies common sense and medical science.

The saga began just outside of Portland, following a hit-and-run report involving a Ford Explorer. Law enforcement quickly located the vehicle, leading to a brief chase that culminated with Danzuka crashing into a concrete barrier. From there, the situation escalated from a routine traffic incident to a medical and legal anomaly.

Upon being evaluated by the police, Danzuka was described as “highly intoxicated.” However, the term feels like an understatement when considering the BAC levels that came back from testing. At nearly 0.8 percent alcohol by volume in his bloodstream, Danzuka wasn’t just over the legal driving limit—he was navigating a perilous threshold that typically leads to severe poisoning or death.

For context, let’s break down the effects of alcohol at various concentrations:

  • At 0.25 BAC: Individuals are generally in need of assistance to walk, exhibit severe mental confusion, and often experience nausea or vomiting.
  • At 0.35 BAC: The risk of losing consciousness is high; medical literature often equates this level to the brink of a coma.
  • Above 0.40 BAC: The situation becomes dire with the onset of coma and a significant risk of death due to respiratory failure.


Under normal circumstances, anyone reaching a BAC as high as Danzuka’s would likely be unconscious or worse. The fact that he was found driving, albeit recklessly and ending in a crash, is nothing short of miraculous—or indicative of a potential error in the blood alcohol testing process.

The automotive aspect of this story is as integral as it is tragic. Driving a Ford Explorer, a vehicle known for its robust build and family-oriented design, Danzuka transformed a typical SUV into a lethal weapon under the influence of an unimaginable level of intoxication. The crash into the concrete barrier likely prevented further disaster on public roadways, narrowly avoiding a scenario where other innocent lives could have been at risk.

This incident not only sets a grim record but also casts a spotlight on the severe dangers of driving under the influence. The previous record, also set in Oregon, was a BAC of .72, suggesting that such extreme cases, while rare, are not entirely unheard of in the region.

In the wake of this event, discussions about DUI laws, alcohol abuse, and road safety are sure to intensify. The capability of someone to operate a vehicle with such a high level of impairment calls for a deeper investigation into both the legal repercussions for Danzuka and the broader implications for public safety.

Nathan Danzuka’s case is a stark reminder of the unpredictable and often unfathomable impacts of alcohol on the human body. As he recovers and faces the legal consequences of his actions, the community and authorities must grapple with the reality of what this means for driving safety and alcohol consumption laws. Whether this record will ever be “broken” again remains to be seen, but it certainly stands as a cautionary tale for all drivers to consider the lethal consequences of drinking and driving. Photo credit Getty.