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Plated Cartel Truck Found in the Junkyard – Never Know What You’re Going to Find

If you’ve ever been able to wander around in a junkyard, you might notice that sometimes, you come across something good that is a unique find. Because all sorts of different cars have been wrecked and taken away to these boneyards, with nobody’s vehicle exempt from the fate of being totaled, sometimes, even the most unique among machines can end up here. One of those machines was exactly what was found in this junkyard and, as our explorer takes us on a tour, you might be questioning what he’s talking about at first but as he gives us directions, it becomes even more clear.

If you follow along down the video below, you’ll probably be in awe at what exactly is sitting there in the junkyard in broad daylight – Ford F-350, just ready for everybody to take a look at. If this truck could talk, we really get a hunch that it would have a couple of good stories for us. With all of that damage inflicted that would lead to its eventual downfall, this thing really looks like it’s been to hell and back and has definitely served its purpose that seems to be extraordinary.