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Pontiac GTO sitting for 40 years along with other American Icons

You know how things go: One day, you’ll be ready and raring to get rolling on a project but after a while, life might get in the way and that means that you can’t exactly finish it in the time frame that you had originally anticipated. It’s not the end of the world as that’s just life as it happens. Maybe we have bigger eyes than we do the means to fulfill our visions.

However, that’s not always a bad thing because you might be foregoing one thing in order to pursue a bigger goal or different venture that will probably end up being more fulfilling to you anyway.

This time, however, we check out a collection that has been sitting for a while as one man has managed to put together a set of cars that would make for quite the nice group to restor. As they’ve been collected for what appears to be quite some time, and in this one, Hagerty‘s Barn Find Hunter takes us to the scene to see what kind of magic is waiting to be discovered. There is some serious nostalgia to be found here as there has to be big money in vintage parts and cars just waiting for someone to come along and give them a little bit of love.

If you follow along down the video below, you’ll be able to get a tour of this insane collection of cars that really has some serious potential as there are lots of nameplates here that would drive the enthusiast community bonkers.

This is a true case of “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” as these machines are sitting under a tick layer of dust and some old junk. However, we know that there would be a line of folks chomping at the bit to bring them back to life once again!