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RC Rock Crawling On Your Wife’s Face Done Right!

Is there anything more fun than wrecking a peacefully sleeping girlfriend or wife? There are countless ways to wake a sleeping beauty, the least-fun of which is true love’s kiss. We prefer more mischievous ways, like airhorns, flipping them off the couch, or as you see in this hilarious Instagram video below, humping their face with an RC rock crawler.

The video, posted by “Ballistic” BJ Baldwin shows a sleeping chick passed out on the couch. Climbing up her from the bottom up, this awesome looking Chevrolet rock crawler makes it way up her backside, continues up her ribs, slowly and carefully making its way toward her face. It seems almost implausible that she’d sleep through all of that, but she continues to sleep quite peacefully as the crawler inches toward her noggin.

The rock rig starts to climb the back of the couch, pitching the rear end down under our lovely’s chin with the back tire almost tapping the bottom of her face. While I expected the climb to end there, the driver, who remains unnamed and out of view of the camera, decides to continue, and things only get funnier!

With the rear tire wrapping itself in sleeping beauty’s shirt, the climber begins to pull itself down, tightening the suspension against the tension from the shirt wrapping around the tire. With a couple of quick blips of the throttle, the rig begins to rhythmically bounce on her face, finally rousing her from her slumber. Obviously she was having no more of the harassment, as she rolls over and begins to swat away the pesky truck. Our video ends there, just as you can hear laughter in the background.

We want to see what you guys can come up with as far as hilarious ways to wake your chick up. Hit us up on Facebook and show us what you can do!