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Reporter Asks Texan Man What He is Doing With His Boat…His Response is Going Viral!

While reporters certainly have an important job to do, there are times when they seem to ask the most inane, pointless questions, leaving the interviewee in quite a predicament as far as coming up with an answer on the spot. However, we’re going to cut this reporter some slack, given the terrible circumstances surrounding this interview.

You can see that this man, who unfortunately isn’t named in the interview, appears to be getting ready to launch his boat in the Hurricane Harvey floods that have besieged Houston, Texas when the reporter walks up, mic in hand, to ask him a few questions. Leading off with more of a statement presented in question form, the interviewer asks if the boaters are jumping in to help out. A lesser man would have had to fight off the urge to answer sarcastically, but the man does an admirable job of fighting back the urge to answer sarcastically and says simply “Yes sir.”

The reporter follows up with a more relevant question, asking where the group of boaters is from, before moving on to the question and answer that has this short clip going viral. The reporter drops a sort of vague, open-ended “What are you gonna do?” on the man, and his answer is quite literally perfect.

“We’re gonna try to save some lives.” Is the matter-of-fact response, delivered without hesitation and with a great deal of confidences. Considering what’s going on in Houston right now, there isn’t a lot of confidence to be found, but this man seem to be sure that he and his fellow boaters will be able to help. We certainly wish Houston and its residents the best, as they’re facing a terrible situation right now. At least they have good samaritans headed that way to try to help, as long as they don’t get held up too long for interviews.