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Riding in a Hellcat Charger on the Nurburgring is the Catharsis that Car Fans Need in 2021

Sometimes, it’s really the simple things in life that can provide the most pleasure. Out there on YouTube, there are a variety of different creators looking to bring us videos that will end with a little bit of a dopamine rush.

This time, we get the day going to one of those videos that seems rather simple but really has a lot of upside, if you ask us. There aren’t a ton of camera angles here. There’s definitely an absence of a host with a sense of over-exaggerated excitement. Heck, there’s not even an ad read trying to hock a VPN or some subscription box.

However, we found ourselves roped into this single camera, one-shot video for the entirety of its presence. The concept is simple. It’s a little bit of learning how to drive within the confines of the Nurburgring. On display this time, we find a pretty awesome car as well in a Dodge Charger Hellcat.

Sure, outside, the Charger might look like just another family sedan. However, those who are familiar with the Hellcat layout know that it’s so much more than that. Under the hood, we find 707 hp of supercharged muscle that is going to really take this sedan to a new level. When it’s exposed to a racing surface like this, we get to see just how much muscle this car really has.

Down in the video below, we get to ride along for quite the experience. Not only do we get to hear that wine of the supercharger really sending a chill down the spine. It’s also pretty interesting to watch as an instructor gives the driver a little bit of guidance as to how to best handle one of the world’s most challenging tracks. It’s definitely a video that we couldn’t help but be sucked into!