Rusty Shell Sells For Over $18,000. 1971 Hemi Cuda Fetches 3.5 million At Auction.

We know all of the clichés at this point, right? One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We could go on and on with these phrases that everyone has heard a million times. As it turns out, there are reasons why they exist. People don’t pull them out of the air for no reason. Personally, when it comes to clichés, I like to think that they exist because they have come true so many times over that they’ve been willed into existence. Perhaps the most valuable life advice is that which is right in front of us and the most obvious.
This time, we take a look at something that could be sitting right underneath of everybody’s nose. It’s the true “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” coming to life. To most folks, this shell fo vehicle probably doesn’t look like much. Even for those who are car fanatics, they might not have any idea of the value. After all, on the surface, it’s nothing more than a rusty shell. However, this shell definitely holds some serious value. In fact, if we can look past the surface rust, we get to a point where this thing could be the start of something truly beautiful. Potential is really enough to sell some things and in this case, that would prove to be true.
The potential was so enticing, in fact, that the 1971 Plymouth Barracuda 340 convertible shell ended up bringing a staggering $18,600 on eBay. This was a part of a car that the seller described as “very rough”.
A quick search of the web brought up all sorts of different pricing. Most similar examples, though, in restored condition, have brought well into the six-figure range. After seeing the value in something like this, it really makes us wonder what else is out there.