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The Story of a Salvage Flood Truck Turned to a 700HP Racing Monster

Auto insurance has a way of taking vehicles and sending them to junkyards with plenty of value left in them. Sometimes, this is the most economical way to do business. Other times, it might even be the only way to do business. When vehicles are damaged, there is a point where it doesn’t make sense to bring them back. It might be more expensive to revive the vehicle than to just send it to the junkyard and cut the owner a check to buy a new one. This is why we find all sorts of gems lingering in junkyards across the world.

Sure, in terms of vehicles that need to be returned to factory stock showroom condition, maybe it will be more expensive. However, if someone gets her hands in a junkyard vehicle with other intentions, it could be an amazing platform. This might be a great place to look for something to be built as some sort of hot rod. After all, we who focus on modifying our vehicles throw out a lot of stock components anyways. With enough searching, there are finds that can really have a lot of potential in this world.

In the video below, we check out a Chevrolet Silverado that was left for dead. After suffering flood damage, this thing didn’t look like it was going to live on again. Perhaps, it would exist as a truck for parts. However, when one man found the truck, he would see tremendous potential in it. He didn’t even mind that the engine had been busted wide open after someone tried to start it with water in it.

While following along with this journey, we get to watch as the truck goes step-by-step from a salvaged and abandoned pickup to a supercharged 700-hp monster. This is probably the cheapest way to get into a 2014 Chevrolet Silverado like this. The best part is that it only has 33,000 miles!