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Scary Moment as Camaro Breaks Wheel Studs and Veers Into Crowd

When it comes to the drag strip, there is certainly a lot going on in a small window of time. Up on the starting line, cars are doing their burnouts and getting ready to pull up to the line to face the opposition and with so many moving parts, well, every once in a while, something goes off of the rails. This is why the starting line at a drag race is not a place to play games or get complacent. It’s a place where you need to have your full wits about you and your attention on the action. This is why at most races, track officials try to keep as many people off of the starting line as possible.

This time, the JMalcom2004 cameras were rolling from what looks to be a grudge race. In this kind of racing, sometimes, when the action gets intense, people will find a way to make their way toward the starting line and before you know it, it can get a bit crowded. In this situation, though, things got a little bit too intense as the situation would deliver way more than the spectators had bargained for as a Chevrolet Camaro would pull up to do a burnout and things would quickly go awry, nearly taking a couple of people out.

Malcom tells us that thankfully, nobody was hurt, outside of the Camaro that ended up sheering off all of the lugs studs and sending that wheel flying. This really goes the show you just how quickly things can escalate up there and why you need to have your wits about you whenever you’re immersed into a situation like this one! You never really know when things are going to take a turn for the worse and you might have to jump out of the way!
