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Sick of Package Thieves, NASA Engineer Creates Glitter StinkBomb with Onboard Video and GPS

There are a lot of people who do bad things in this world. If you’re one of the people who decide that it’s a good idea to walk up to someone else’s house and steal their packages, you’re not only a bad person but you’re also a coward. Doing something like this ensures that you place yourself into the lowest of the low in rankings of people who deserve absolutely no respect. Normally, we will try and present an issue from both sides and stay out of it with an opinion, remaining completely objective but I don’t think that there are very many people arguing with us that these folks are complete and utter scumbags, especially during the holidays, not that something like this is ever ok.

Now, normally, there isn’t really too much that you can do about something like this unless you catch the perpetrator in the act. Sure, you can have cameras set up to capture them doing the deed but many times, it’s kind of hard to track down an individual based on their picture alone. It requires a great deal of luck and hard work to be able to find them. However, if you are an engineer who has worked with NASA and literally helped put a robot on a different planet, like YouTuber, Mark Rober, I’m sure that you can come up with something to expose some of these folks.

After several months of engineering a device that would be able to catch these folks in the act along while offering up a little bit of retaliation, Mark would eventually put his plan in action, enacting not only a machine that would explode with a giant cloud of glitter along with omitting the worst of smells when opened, but he would also figure out a way to track it via GPS to recover the device and record the entire thing. The results of all of this work can be seen below in what might just be the best YouTube video of all of 2018, if not the first quarter century of the 2000s!