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Sick Superflips on Snow Mobiles… Now That Takes Talent

When it comes to rocking out on a snowmobile, being able to pull off any kind of stunt is probably quite the trick. With such a big beast of a machine out there, it has to be incredibly tolling to go out there and whip it around, pulling off all kinds of different maneuvers as you contort your body and the machine alike to try and pull off the sequence of your pleasing. In fact, with a show like this, I would say that you’re viewing something that there aren’t too many people in this world who are able to accomplish.

In this one, we take a look at something that’s known as a “Superflip,” essentially taking a snowmobile up into the air off a ramp, going airborne and defying gravity as the rider soars through the air, pulling that heavy machine and doing a backflip as the operator really pushes the limits of what’s possible, taking that heavy behemoth all the way up and having enough strength to muscle it around as they accomplish something that’s truly worthy of being written home about. When you lay your eyes on it, you’ll see exactly what we’re talking about here.

Follow along in the video below that shows off a little bit of practice with Ella Snäll, the rider that has been tinkering with the thought of pulling this off for over a year and in this video, finally felt confident enough to try it out with great success. This was certainly worthy of a round of applause so take a couple of minutes to tune in and watch it for yourself. After checking this one out, be sure to tell us when you think of these death-defying maneuvers that really show you the possibilities of what can be accomplished when you put your mind to it and have the right tools for the job!
