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Slicks on a Gutted Tesla P100D – Is it Faster!?

By this point, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen the guy from Tesla Racing Channel beating up on legit race cars in his basically-stock P100D. The car has followed the same basic progression most of us follow with our hotrods, in that he went from totally happy with it in stock configuration to eventually wanting more, and thus began the modification process.

First up was an Easter egg that gave the car a little extra kick. Then the car’s owner pulled as much of the car’s interior as possible to lighten the weight. Finally, he’s added some sticky tires to see if there’s anything to be gained in the traction department. All of these mods work together to bring the car’s ET down, making the already ridiculously fast Tesla even more of a terror on the track and on the street. In this video, we see just how much a difference the tires make down low, with the sticky Mickey’s providing a more consistent launch for repeatability.

In the video below, we join the TRC host for some extended tire and wheel testing, trying out several configurations to see which one offers the most traction for the electric gunslinger. After testing on 19” wheels, he swaps on a set of 21” rims and surprisingly lays down he quickest pass of the night despite some obvious tirespin. With the power delivery of electric cars being obviously different from that of a gas burner, it looks like even more testing is going to be required to find the exact combination of tire type and wheel diameter for the stealthy P100D. Check back soon, as there is always some fresh content on the Tesla Racing Channel’s YouTube channel. In the meantime, let us know in the comments how quick you think this car will end up being? Is there a half second left in the potential of this car, putting it right on the verge of breaking 9’s?